MY articles
October 2018
More than 450 homeless people died in the UK, in 2017. Exposure, prolonged starvation, suicide and violence were the causes. This was article was my reaction.
January 2018
Gloucester Council put out huge posters telling people not to give money to help the homeless. I wrote this piece, for the Guardian as my response.
July 2017
A good Samaritan tried to buy some food for a homeless man. The shop wouldn't let him. So, I decided to write about people's attitudes to homelessness as I'd experienced some prejudice and bigotry, first hand, while researching my book
Spring, 2018
The literary magazine, Boundless asked me to write an essay about 'Home'. I described what it now meant to me after losing mine in the earthquakes of 2016/17
Penguin catalogue, 2018
I grew up surrounded by books and many of them had that little penguin sitting there, on the spine. So when Penguin asked me to write this essay on my feelings about homelessness, for their 2018 catalogue, I was seriously chuffed. I suddenly felt like was seven years old again!